Author: Victor de Boer

Videos from Pressing Matter Biannual Consortium Meeting – 28 June 2024

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Please find below some video extracts from our Biannual Consortium Meeting event which took place on Friday the 26th of June 2024. It is divided into 5 sections found below. All videos can be found in this Youtube playlist.

Part 1 – introduction by Wayne Modest

Part 2 – Reflections on the Theme by Amber Aranui and Wonu Veys

Part 3 – Case Studies

Part 4 – Plenary Discussion on the Roundtable Sessions

Part 5 – Keynote lecture by Ciraj Rassool

Otherwise Property: a conversation with Bernadette Atuahene

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On the 23rd of April, Professor Bernadette Atuahene from the USC Gould School of Law had a conversation with Pressing Matter’s Elsbeth Dekker on Dignity Taking, Dignity Restoration and the Future of Colonial Collections within the framework of Otherwise Property Conversations. The recording of this conversation is available now on youtube and here on this website.